Raising Professional Capacity and Awareness on Autism: Impact Evaluation of a Teacher Training Program
In this study, we assess the impact of an autism teacher training program being implemented in 11 cities across North-East Turkey. The study, funded by TANAP (Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project) and implemented by TOHUM Autism Foundation, aims to answer for whom the training works the best, and identify the effective mechanisms of change in order to achieve the most cost and outcome-effective version of the training program.
The evaluation uses a mixed study design with qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys which include reliable and valid measures of the targeted constructs from the scientific literature. As part of the quantitative study, an effect decomposition model in line with the program’s logic model is created. The effect decomposition model is being tested within a randomized design that will produce causal impact estimates. Reference: Kisbu-Sakarya, Y. & Doenyas, C. (2021). Can School Teachers' Willingness to Teach ASD-Inclusion Classes Be Increased via Special Education Training? Uncovering Mediating Mechanisms. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 113, 1-9. Link |